Taking babies away from their mommas is traumatic any way you go about it. Cora Belle and Filbert have spent the first full day away from their mom and they don't like it. Filbert has been trying all day to get back to her. He is sure he is late and needs to get back before he gets into trouble. Cora Belle is pretty much content to stand by my side and be adored, she is in no rush to get back. Cora Belle will climb right in your lap for a snuggle. Filbert will climb in your lap too but only because he has noticed that your head is closer to the top of the stall wall and that is where he wants to be. I feel bad for him and tell him that some day, very soon, he will be happy at our small farm but right now my words fall on deaf ears. He has fought me on everything. No way on the bottle! You want to put WHAT around my neck! He has spent the day giving the fencing a good look over. Body slammed it a few times to check for weaknesses. This is one smar
t goat. It's in his genes. I have read all the stories about his family's talent of escape artistry but didn't quite believe it until I experienced it for myself. I have been content all these years with my not-so-bright herd that only could get out in the usual ways. Filbert has raised the bar. He is now known as Herron Hill Don't Fence Me In.

He just can't go anywhere with out his beloved Cora Belle. She is his strength.
Penne takes a look.....

Penne likes the babies and Koo admires from afar.

Poor Flibert. Cora Belle sounds alot like my Moon Pie...a serious lap goat. hehe
Koo is so much like our male llama, Catlinite. He tolerates all the goats and babies, but does a very good job guarding them, while our female llama, Cataleya is nurturing, curious, and protective of all the woolies around here.
Congrats on the new kids!!
Oh, poor baby Filbert. And poor you - now you'll have to also think like an escape artist. It would be interesting to see just exactly where he'd go, though, if he did get out. Maybe he'll take a lesson from his sister, though, and decide maybe your place isn't so bad after all. :-)
Isn't funny how different two siblings can be? It's like this with my boys, too. :-)
So, hey, has Koo managed to get any closer than 50 yards from Penne? He always seems to be admiring from afar, the poor boy.
twinville and farmgirl_dk, Filbert is poor no longer. He took his bottle tonight and decided that he likes me just fine. I am sure he will sleep better tonight and I know I will.
As for Koo and Penne, they have settled into quite a nice relationship. They stick together and at times will share the same hay pile. I do think they like having each other. When you see one the other is not too far away. Koo is a bit more aloof than Penne and likes to stand back and watch where Penne is right there looking for food. Her only motivation.
Oh that's such good news, goatgirl!
I'm glad that Filbert is taking to bottle feeding because I know just how wonderful that can be in creating that special bond between human and goat.
I swear, your Koo and Penne sounds so much like my own two llamas. I wonder if it's a male/female thing? Catlinite is also very aloof, while Cataleya is a 'pocket llama'.
She of course loves the food, for motivation, but having her cheeks and neck rubbed is just as good in her book. hehe
Oh I am glad that Filbert took his bottle, too.
I know from experience how the bottle feedings can be.
Cora Belle and Filbert are beautiful.
Maybe now Filbert will not be looking at the fence for ways to escape.
They are both just sooo pretty to look at.
Of course, Penne and Koo are too. Don't want to hurt their feelings.
Hi! Peanut here! I am positive if you bring out the animal cookies, Filbert will be your friend forever. Works for me, anyway. We like the BIG jar or organic onces from Costco! :)
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