I'm a pretty competitive person. I like to win. What started out as just a fun thing to do has turned into a fierce competition....in my mind. I'm talking about my
video to win a homestead makeover. If you have been reading my blog for any length of time you know I want a proper barn. I need a proper small shed to milk my goats and store my feed but it never seems like there is any extra money to build one so I want this
Manna Pro makeover badly. My poor little farm has a "loving hands at home" look. I could really use the team at Manna Pro to come out in the spring and help Hubby measure twice and cut once. Then when all the school kids come in the late spring they could see a nice milking shed and not my disappointing chicken coop turned milking area with its sad roof caving in.
So at school the other day we were sitting around on our break watching my competitions' videos and I was getting more and more anxious about my chances of winning. The librarian loved my video so she emailed the entire staff the link and asked them to watch "Wendy's video".
And watch they did. They showed it to their classes and all day long kids were coming up to me and saying "I think you should win, Mrs. Webster"
I was a bit of a celebrity.
Later that day, I was walking down the hall and I heard a voice I thought I recognized and when I walked into the classroom they were watching my video. They got so excited when they saw me that all their hands went up with questions about my farm, the goats, milk and cheese,and the chickens too. A few kids told me their dads would build me a barn.
One sweet little girl raised her hand and when I called on her said....
"My dad doesn't have a job and knows how to build things. He can come build you a barn"
I told her I didn't have the money to do it and that is why I was trying to win the makeover.
She said" Oh that's ok. He doesn't care about money"
Then she added "And my mom does
nothing so she can come help too"
As I was leaving she tucked a piece of paper into my hand that I immediately stuck in my pocket and forgot about. When I got home and was letting the dogs out I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out this.....

I laughed the rest of the evening.
So you see, I've won already. This video has been a bonding experience for 300 children and me. I have had the opportunity to share my little farm and talk about goat milk and goat cheese to a ton of kids this week. They learned that more people around the world drink goat milk than cow milk. They got to try chevre on a cracker and learn that they really did like goat cheese.
They got to see the real Mrs. Webster. The same lady that makes them complete that sentence and solve that equation rides a bicycle and loves her animals.
And then a boy drew a picture of a cow for me......

He's working on his comprehension.