I have been wanting to add a doe or two to my herd and I love the pictures of Herron Hill's goats, especially Boxcar Betty and the Minimanchas. Low and behold but a twin to Boxcar Betty was born this year and that is the one I've set my sights on. Trouble is the goatfarmer doesn't know if she wants to part with the lovely Cora Belle. That's okay, I understand, she is scrumptious.
Herron Hill Dairy sits up on a hill. It has a beautiful big white farmhouse and a big white barn that over looks a lovely valley. It is one of those classic barns you drive by and say to yourself, "I want a barn like that." Well, at least I do. I saw baby goats galore. Darling Nigerians and cuter than cute Minimanchas. I met all the goats but was on the lookout for Baby Belle. I still hadn't seen her. The goatfarmer left me to look at goats when another lady stopped by to pick up her new babies. I wandered around and recognized a few faces but I didn't see Baby Belle anywhere. Then I heard a noise in the manger in front of me and peeked in...
This is what I saw.

Baby Belle is that you?

She wouldn't answer but I think it is........what do you think? I told her she should write a book, that really she already had a book. Her postings being publish worthy. She just kept silently picking the alfalfa out of the grass hay. This goat does not talk with her mouth full.
What an enjoyable outing. A beautiful old farm that is being preserved, the goatfarmer is extremely funny to chat with and the goats are just as Baby Belle tells it.
My first choice is Cora Belle. I have some arm twisting to do here. I even said she could bring her brother, Filbert. Now Cora Belle comes with the stipulation that she is to be shown. I can do that. I used to show goats as a kid and most recently showed dogs for many years. I just got tired of showing dogs because it is a lot of work and traveling. I think it would be great to get back into goats but being that I am competitive and would like to think I have a good eye for conformation I want a really nice goat and Cora Belle is that.
Here is Cora Belle and her brother Filbert.

My second choice is this lovely little MiniMancha, I think her name is Augustine. She is Cora Belle without ears.

Or I will take both!
I have read the blog about Baby Belle and it is a hoot!
What a fun trip, I would love to visit their farm! Cora Belle and the mini-lamancha are adorable. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.
What sweet little goats. How does one choose? And why no ears?
I would take both:) They are beautiful goats. I will have to look into the blog you suggested. Have a great day!
country girl, yes it is a hoot. It makes me laugh and sometimes make me cry, a good combination.
farmgirldk, It was a fun trip and I am keeping my fingers crossed too that I will end up with the lovely Cora Belle. She is quite a character too.
sugarcreekstuff, I don't know why no ears. I will have to look that up but I do know the Lamancha has two different styles of earlessness. They are a sweet gentle breed of goat. These are Minimanchas which means they have Nigerian Dwarf in them to down size.
sea2shore, If you love goats....and I know you do, Baby Belle's blog is a must read. And I woiuld take both for sure. I think they would look cute together. Cora Belle is so pretty she needs to go to the fair this year. Wouldn't that be fun?
By the way farmgirldk, come visit me sometime and I will take you out there. I am sure she has a few darling wethers with your name on them:)
I also love all of James Herriot's books.
I hope you get both of the cutie pie goats too. Maybe more. That would be a hard choice.
Good luck!
Take both! Take both!!
Now, I bet you KNEW I'd say that, right? hehe
I'm still debating wether to choose a La Mancha or a Nigerian as a dairy goat for our ranch. ON one hand the Nigies eat less, are easy to handle and take up less space, and are so cute and fun to have around, especially with kids.
But the La Manchas are so unqiue looking and pretty and produce more milk and seem more 'solid' and are also calmer and quieter than the Nigies.
Tough choices!
Will you be also wanting a dairy goat, is that why these two appeal to you, too?
What a wonderul way to spend the day. Wish I could have joined you...we'd have both been in goat and barn nirvana!
Welcome to the family. :)
ga.farmgirl, When my son was little he loved James Herriot so much that he wrote to him. All he recieved was a note saying the Mr. Herriot was too ill to answer his mail. We sat down and cried.
twinville,I am not really interested in milk right now because it is only my husband and I and we don't really drink a lot of it but if I was I would go with a Lamancha or a Minimancha. The Nigerians don't give as much and are harder to milk. A Lamancha makes a lovely milk goat. Too bad you are soooo far away. I saw some lovely ones on Sunday.
And Marigold....Thank you very much! I must go get some Peanuts. I heard your family likes them very much. Wonder where I heard that?
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