In every group a leader emerges and the chicks are no exception. There is always the one that takes the chance and comes out first, leading the way for all the sheep, or in this case chicks, to follow. That would be Ramona the Brave my Red Star chick. She is the brave leader of this small band of biddies. She is lovely and golden and stands out in a crowd.

I have one chick that is very lovely but...............looks nothing like the Silver Laced Wyandotte she is supposed to be. What could she be?
Here is the Wyandotte chick....

And here is Miss Lovely........

modeling hands courtesy of my hardworking hubby
Oh, your chickies are lovely. Ramona is delightful. And Miss! Both of my silver-laced look like more the first picture you showed, except they're quite a bit darker in the face - not so much white.
You've got some pretty girls.
NICE modeling hands!! (I just knew you'd find some) :-)
I am wondering if Miss Lovely jumped ship from the Banty tub to the Wyandotte tub. She is a bit smaller than the rest too. Time will tell.
It's pretty bad when you keep telling your modeling hands to move their fingers out of the way:)
Yes, but modeling hands -if they're good modeling hands - should be able to take direction well and adjust accordingly. Clearly, you and your modeling hands work well together. :-)
p.s. I can't wait to see what your little miss develops into. My Rhode Island Reds have started growing the most beautiful wing feathers...they're a multitude of different colors: reds, browns, tans...other RIRs I've seen are all one color, so I'm assuming they will lose these pretty feathers, but right now, they're gorgeous!!
And my Aracauna is pretty in a way the others aren't...fluffy in spots and feathery in others, and a delightful light brown and golden overall.
I just love them should just punch me, because i'm totally in love with my chicks.
They are sooo cute!
There is just something so sweet about those fuzzy chicks. Last spring I got some 6 Golden Laced Wyandottes and some were more brown and some were more black, now that they're grown they look like the same breed but do have different color variations. I can tell them apart but others look at me like I'm nutty. So she may just be an extra special Wyandotte.
I like extra special Wyandotte.
Ooooh! Ramona is gorgeous!!
It's no wonder she is the leader.....all the other peeps have 'chick envy!'!! hehe
Our silver laced Wyandottes looked much like Miss Lovely. I was amazed at how drastically they changed once they got their true feathers. First they were mostly black and then all these little spangle tips kept popping out. Lovely!
My Speckled Sussex were the same way. For the longest time they had hardly any speckles and were just a boring brown. And then within about a week or two they just blossomed out with white tips on many of their feathers! And following that, their gorgeous green irridesence(sp) developed, too! Magic!
Watching chicks grow and develop is like a new gift every day!
The Speckled Sussex are on the way, I hope.
I will have phase 2 chicks with the Speckled Sussex and the Light Brahmas. Oh and I forgot the two Buff Orpingtons. I went a little chick wild.
Your itty bitty does look like a bantie bittie. She is a cutie pie though.
Just one more week until all my biddies come to their new home. We have the brooder all ready for them. Can't wait.
Also, the biddie could be a game chicken.
Oh my I got it wrong. It's bitty not biddy. I must change the title.
A Banty bitty.....I like that. Just as long as it's not the "R" word.
Hi Goatgirl, I mailed your package today, I still havent figured out the shipping yet (newbie). I charged too much, so I put the extra in the envelope. Let me know if/when it arrives safe and sound.
OOOH! I know I know! I can answer this one for you! I know exactly what Ms. Lovely will grow up to look like because one of my Wyandotte chicks did the same thing. She turned into That Chicken, as seen on my blog in the post titled, "I Get No Respect From The Chickens." If you type that in the search bar at the very top right it will pull up. She's the only one of my Wyandottes who is almost all white, and at least 2 of my chicks that hatched 3 weeks ago have the same coloring. I think it's rather dashing. :)
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