We jumped in the car at 4 in the morning, that was really 3am, and drove the 5 hours to spend the day. We arrived in time for breakfast and then we walked around the campus, which was beautiful, ate at a small cafe and had a very good visit. It must be a bit warmer in Oregon because I saw a forsythia in bloom. After dropping them off at the airport to fly back to L.A. we drove home.
Now I have to tell you that Lane and Linn Counties in Oregon are, so far, my favorite part of the country. Especially this time of year. Rolling green hills full of sheep with new lambs. It is really hard to drive when 15 lambs are running and bucking in the field next to you.
I must admit I have a farm fetish. When I drive along I lust for a real farm. One that has a farm house. One that you can set out your back door and through the fields with dogs running after you. And an old (but in good shape) barn. A proper barn. So as we are rolling along I am looking at all the farms and thinking.......Oh, Oh I could live there! I am jealous of people with family farms. I have told my family that if I die before living on a proper farm my life would not be complete. I really feel this. Right now the Dixie Chicks song "Wide Open Spaces" should be playing in your head. So someday I will move to a proper farm with a proper barn, God willing and the creek don't rise. And until then I will just lust after somebody else's.
So a day with my favorite people in one of my favorite places, without rain, was most enjoyable.
Hi goatgirl,
My son makes the same face when I start smoochin him. Too funny.
I thought I'd leave a comment on your blog and "meet" your animals. I have always wanted a goat but I don't think it's in the cards.
I went to this site http://www.cacklehatchery.com/rdstarsexlinkpage.html
and they had male and female red stars as chicks, maybe you can see which one your chick looks most like. I am not a chicken expert in any way, so I hope this helps.
Oh my! I have no words(but I'll try)! I loved everything you wrote so much...that I read it a second time and I don't do that very often!
You are so beautiful and your son so handsome. What a memorable day you had filled with special thoughts, ideas, ponderings, and time with your family, too. And lovely views while driving in the countryside.
Bliss...pure bliss.
Thanks for the ride. :o)
Wendy!! That is just the best picture of the two of you - and... he may be grimacing on the outside, but you know he's loving it on the inside. Boys are always their mama's sons first and foremost.
I'm so glad you enjoyed Linn County - that's where the farm sanctuary I work at is located (in Scio) - your description of the rolling hills and frolicking lambs is spot-on. I love it out there and just feel, well, just so at peace when I'm there.
But something you said confused me a bit. If you don't live on a farm now...where are you keeping all your beloved animals? You've made yourself a farm, that's what you've done. It may not be the stereotypical one that most people think of when that word is uttered, but you've created a space for your animals to live happily on, which, to me, is a farm. :-) What I hear you describing is barn lust. Tell that man of yours that his woman NEEDS a proper barn. Or...move to Oregon and be closer to your son (keeping my fingers crossed that U of O. wins)...oh, and closer to me, too. :-D
p.s. um, could you please post a decent picture of your new chicks ...one that's bigger than 2 inches across?? My eyes aren't what they used to be. LOL
sugarcreekstuff, I went to that site and even brought the chick out to hold next to the computer. Although on the much lighter side I think it must be a pullet and then got my hubby out for a second opinion and he agreed. Thanks for that. My neighbors won't allow me to have a rooster:) And thanks for reading my blog.
twinville, Now I have no words (but I'll try). Thanks so much for enjoying my day with me. I could not have had a more perfect spur of the moment day.
I was just in sitting with my chicks. I am trying to think up 12 names.
farmgirl chicksister, If you want to see my chicks just hold a mirror over your box. I loved your video of them in the box. Silly little biddies.
I will try to get a few better pictures but I've been busy:) I was just in sitting with them. Trying to think up names. But don't have a pair of modeling hands so no pictures.
So to clear up the farm thing. We have a house on a beautiful little bay with about 1 acre here but I needed a farm so we have 2 acres a few places down that is my farm.
So my dream is a proper farm. I can't complain because we have the best of both worlds. But.....
I do love your Oregon! I would move there in a minute. I am keeping my fingers crossed for my son to go there but I think his heart is in Colorado.
Kids.....they never do what you say!
farmgirl, to clear something up it is really field lust. I long for large rolling pastures. I want to leave my house and walk through fields with my dogs running around. I can see it now.
Personally I think it would be a much better picture if you were running through fields with goats running after you. Dogs are okay, but let's face it. Goats are where it's at. Still it was a lovely picture you painted and I am glad you got out of the rain for a change. That, of course, is why one would need the 'proper' barn...to get out of the rain.
Hi Goatgirl,
I don't know about you all but I have been having the hardest time leaving comments on blogger lately, if you get 2 comments, sorry.
Now..Great story about your son. I have 2 grown sons and know about missing them.
I am also jealous of all you with baby chicks. My due date(for chick delivery is March 24).
I agree with farmgirl_dk. You have a great farm with wonderful animals.
Good luck to your son and girlfriend on finding the right graduate school.
gafarmgirl, remember it's biddies, you have me saying it and I noticed you said chicks in the post. I even told my first grade group, while we were reading about chicks, about the lady in Georgia that calls them biddies and that I was going to start saying it.
I go in and say "Hello my biddies"
Thanks about my boy. I do wish he lived closer.
And yes I have been having trouble blogging. And I find it very frustrating because I am addicted to it:)
Hi Goatgirl!
Your blog is one of my favorite stops of my day! I feel like I'm visiting a zoo. If I were your neighbor I would wander by every day and say "hi" to the "gang". Your pictures are beautiful and I love your stories. When I feel the need to step out of my busy life for a few minutes I just visit the farm. Hopefully soon I can come visit. Keep sharing your life with all of us out here who are waiting for the next story. :)
Thanks so much chocolate girl. Come visit the critters anytime. I love to tell stories and I never guessed anyone would care:)
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