I have never felt more like a farmer than I have this week. I am either milking someone, feeding someone, giving calcium to someone, or cleaning up something, while still working my full time job. I'm busy and to-the-bone tired.
Cora Belle has had a rough recovery from having her quads. At times I didn't know if she was going to pull through. As a result I am bottle feeding her babies with Alice supplying the milk. Alice, unbeknownst to her, is feeding 7 babies. She still thinks she only has two.
Cora Belle has turned the corner and is starting to act like she is going to stay amongst the living. She is feeling so good now she is fighting with Alice through the fence, bending a few wires and loosening a few boards. A good sign.
So my mom couldn't have picked a better week to show up with a gift bag when we got together yesterday for lunch. Wrapped in tissue was a framed certificate from Future Farmers of America awarding me Chapter Farmer on March 16, 1976.
It just took me 36 years to feel like a farmer.
Congratulations! (Though maybe 36 years too late. :)) Oh, so glad CoraBelle is doing okay! Having 4 has to be difficult - for everyone.
Awwww. Glad Cora Belle is turning around.
You rock, Mom! Such excellent timing :) Ah, Alice...thought she had gotten rid of one only to add four ;) I'm glad CoraBelle is feeling better. Did you have to have the vet out? What does Willow think of the newer additions?
Quads! Ouch. Poor girl. So glad she is doing better. Yes a testy attitude is a good sign in a goat. Congratulations on the award. Hope life slows down a bit and you can get a rest. We work 2 full time jobs and wonder why we are so tired all of the time. Hmmm...
Sometimes it just takes us longer to realize we are that thing we have always thought of as "other". As in, "other people are farmers- I just milk, spread hay and inoculate my herd of goats!"
That's how I felt when I got licensed and then opened up my own practice. "Other" people were the professionals, not me!
I'm so glad Cora Belle is doing better, because that girl is a looker.
You've been a farm all along, Wendy. You're just really earning your stripes this Spring! Glad the goat mommas are sorting things out. Sending you energy to carry on! xx
Good news about Cora Belle. Hard to believe that one goat can produce enough milk for seven kids!
Hi Marigold, having 4 is very tiring. I don't recommend it.
Yes Christine she is turning around and has taken back up the feeding of two kids. Thank goodness.
petoskystone, My mom does rock! I'll tell her you said so.
Willow is fascinated with the new babies. They go nose to nose with her...and I never have my camera with me.
Kelly, quads were ouch. CB had a hard time recovering as two were stuck and had to be pulled.
I was never so glad to see her being testy...and start eating.
Lindsey, From now on I call myself "Farmer" It sounds comfortable.
Hi Clare,Thanks for the energy. I need it right now. I am earning my stripes this year.
Chai Chai, I am wondering the same thing. She is Cora Belle's half sister and seems to have inherited the milk gene:)
Quads scare me. I'm glad Cora Belle is ok and is getting back to being her own self. Having a farm is definitely a 2nd job!! You're my hero!!
Quads scare me too. They get all tangled up inside.
Me, a hero? Really? I like that.
I know how hard it is for triplets, so I never want to see quads. Glad to hear Cora Belle is feeling better. Congratulations on your award!
Hang in there, and that is great news about Cora Belle. I wish I lived near you so I could lend a hand!
This when you need your farmer friends. Does everyone look at you like you're insane when you say you've been up all night to assist a kidding and you had to get up at 4am just so you had time to milk and bottle feed before you came in? Oh, the "citizens", as we call them, have no idea!!!!
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