Last night when I went down to check Alice and her boys I found Deuce, the second born, cold and unresponsive. The other two were warm and lively with bellies full of milk. Deuce was cold and lifeless. I wrapped him in my coat and brought him into the house. I laid a towel in a cardboard box, put him in it, and set the box close to the wood stove. He lay flat out on his side barely breathing. I petted and massaged him and encouraged him to live but my gut told me he was on his way out. A few times, Hubby would say, "I think he's gone." I would put down my knitting and feel his chest. I could barely feel his heart beat...but just barely. He had no reflexes and lay with his eyes open. Just like he was already dead. I checked him right before bed and imagined his heart was beating a little stronger. But maybe I just imagined it.
I stoked the fire and went to bed knowing full well he wouldn't survive the night. He just couldn't.
This morning I got up extra early because the dog wanted out. I let the dog out and then went over to pick up the box and set it outside, sure that the kid had died. I lifted the box and a head popped up and said,"Maaaaaa" I almost dropped the box I was so surprised. I ran in and woke Hubby and told him to listen.

He did live and seems just fine although Alice won't have anything to do with him which is probably why I found him cold and almost dead. So now I have a bottle baby. I took him back to Alice because he likes his brothers and I think it is always best they grow up with other goats but I'll be feeding the little tyke.
Alice only does two babies, apparently.
Awww! I'm so glad! You needed a bottle baby. :) Now, then, you aren't going to be able to get rid of that one. :)
I'm so glad he lived, though it will be a chore for you. Good for him!
i almost cried. so glad Deuce is ok.
I don't know how you do it goatgirl! I would not have slept a wink. I guess triplets is a lot to ask any mother! Alice knew you would help out!
I am so glad he made it he is defiantly a cutie I love those ears
A leprechaun must have stopped by and sprinkled gold dust on him. Look at those ears. They look gold-tinged to me!
It is wonderful that he lived. I am with you - the baby needs to stay out with the other goats. Maybe one of the other mothers will provide some assistance?
I can't blame Alice for only taking two babies. That's a lot of work. Too bad she didn't just tell you and save the stress and worry. Glad the little tyke is doing okay.
So happy for you and Lucky Deuce! What a wonderful St. Patricks Day miracle!! He had a lot of heart in him along with your love and support, it gave him a second chance.
Amazing. Thanks for the miracle story.
I'm so glad that he made it through the night. I grew up with goats and I miss having them around. All of your four-legged babies are fun to read about.I'll be following Deuce's story and cheering him on.
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