Monday, August 16, 2010

Show Practice


frugalmom said...

Such a smart girl. She totally knows what to do. :-) Look, you only had to tell her one time....

V.L. Locey said...

Oooo she sets up very nicely it looks like!

Good luck in the show!

Marigold said...

Now what exactly was that you threatened her with? No Peanuts perhaps? Hmmmm?????

Chai Chai said...

Are your goats leash trained - as in walking with them on? I have trained my goats to walk happily on a leash but I have no idea how to get them to stand for judging.

Is this some kind of posture training?

Teresa said...

She looks good.

goatgirl said...

yep Marigold, that's all it takes-No Peanuts for you!

Chai Chai, some are leash trained and the ones that I show are trained to walk with just their collar. Although I am going to need to show them with a small leash now that I'm getting older and it hurts like heck to bend over that much.
With this batch I'm going to use clicker training to get them to hold their heads up while walking. To teach them to pose I just get them use to having me move their legs around. They usually are very uncooperative at first but in a short time they let you position them. At first they only hold the position for a second then I just build up the time I expect them to stand still. If they move I reposition them and only release them when they are standing still so I always win:)

Chai Chai said...

OK, thanks for the advise I will try some 1 on 1 positional training. Goats standing still, amazing.