It's my favorite time of year. Fair time. I love the county fair. The smells, good and bad, the barns full of every kind of farm animal with the constant reminders of e-coli,
and the scones.
Goatfarmer and I went to the county fair to watch the goatjudge judge goats. It was so much fun I think I need to take a few goats there next year, although the doe that won Best Doe in Show would have been very hard to beat and her yearling daughter was very Cora Belle/Bettyish. Very pretty Nigerian classes. I want to be a part of I just got a banner with my farm name on it that needs a little attention.
There were a lot of little boys showing goats. Goat boys.

And some very cute goat girls.

There is nothing like a big purple ribbon to put a smile on your face.

That looks like it was a lot of fun. Our fair didn't have many goats this year.
I had no idea what I was missing at the fair until I got my animals. It is an extra layer of fun that I never knew was there.
Fairs are one of the great parts of summer. Ours are in full swing. Love the ribbons.
You mean you did NOT take a picture of Moldy's famous daughter??? What IS this world coming to? know me better than that. Moldy's famous daughter is in the first and third picture down.
I don't comment, but wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog, and am always checking for another post. Love the photos!
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