I have discovered "The Secret". No, not the secret that Oprah is talking about but something much more important than that, that I have been seeking the answer to for many years. Ever since I was a young bride and put in charge of peeling hard boiled eggs for potato salad at my brother and sister in law's farm. The eggs were farm fresh and anyone that has tried to peel a farm fresh hard boiled egg knows just what I'm talking about. They don't give up their shell without a fight. Half the egg comes off with it. I thought I was doing something wrong. I chopped up what was left of the eggs after the fight and threw away the evidence before anyone could see.
Since my morning routine is one hard boiled egg, a piece of toast and a banana I had to boil two eggs to get just one after the peeling was through. So, as I always do, I asked anyone that had anything to do with chickens their "secret" to getting fresh eggs out of the shell.
The suggestions ranged from saving eggs for a while and using the older ones for boiling to, believe it or not, going to Safeway when I needed eggs to boil.
But quite by accident I came upon the "secret".....
Here it is. Just give the egg a slight rap on the counter before it goes into the pot. A small crack does something...don't ask me what but I have tested it for about a week now before reporting to you the results and it worked every time.
No more struggling to peel a farm fresh egg. I now have the "secret" and all is right with my world.
Now here is a secret worth it's weight in, well, maybe even Peanuts! The goatmother gets eggs from her neighbor and she and the goatfather have struggled with precisely what you describe. I find I keep having to tell her to just calm down now that she knows 'the secret'. Oy. The things humans get excited about.
Oh my, I will have to try that. I've been struggling with this problem for a while now. So much so that I had basically given up on boiled eggs.
here is another trick, can't remember who I got it from, maybe someone on a dog list???? Anyway here you are. I'd try the baking soda with your method too.
or if that does not work, try this:
Oh Holly I've tried the baking soda too but the results were not reliable. I've tried immediately dunking them in cold water but then my egg is cold...and it only worked some of the time.
Thanks for sharing your secret. I too struggle with the same dilemna from time to time.
This is good to know, Wendy! I have also heard that a splash of vinegar in the water will help with this situation... but I have not tried it as I really don't want to smell vinegar in the kitchen first thing in the morning!But it's supposed to be a tried and true method. Slight tapping sounds "smell free" to me though! =;)
Now that is a 'secret' I will be telling every one I know. Thank you!
I know exactly what you are talking about with those hard to peel farm fresh eggs! I always love a secret to any problem.
Another secret on potato salad, (goes with hard boiled eggs) boil the potatoes whole with the peelings on. Then put the potatoes in the fridge all day, overnight is better. Then peel and cube the potatoes for a solid, not soft and mashy, potato salad.
Just thought I throw in a secret for a secret.
Have a great day.
Thank you for the tip, I'll be having devilled eggs a lot more often now!
I just heard putting cooking oil in the water works well, but now I have 2 secrets to try. thanks!
Was happy that you got your "baby" fix with your friends goats. What kind of cysts are they and will they go away on their own or will they cause trouble down the road? The babies were so adorable. I am having to make do with the wild critters babies (groundhogs, bunnies, deer, birds) out here in Pa. Can't wait for that west coast move....lol
Wow! I'm so happy that I've learned the "secret." I was searching Google for info about Muscovy ducks and found your blog and will bookmark it.
Thank you for sharing!
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