She's starting to warm up and not hide behind her little barn when I'm in her pasture. She ate grain from the bucket about 4 feet from where I stood.
Then the stampede of goats went by her pasture headed for the grain bin and it was too much for Willow to stand. She was being left behind. She took a running start and leaped her 5 foot fence and went running after them which threw them in a panic and they ran....and then she ran after them so they ran...and then she ran. You get the picture. She ran and bucked around the pasture. She stood on top of the yodeling hill. She chased the goats that ran from her. She sniffed the ones that didn't.
I am never going to catch her now.
Ah ha ha ha ha!
What a sight this must've been!
Gawd, she's gorgeous, Wendy.
Ohhhh....Sorry I giggled. What a comedy. Maybe Willow will come up with the goats and become comfy with you soon. I didn't know llamas could leap fences like that! Wow. She's just the most beautiful lady.
Willow is where she needs to be. You won't need to catch her. She'll come to you.
PS - that one brown leg makes me think of a racing stripe. I'm not surprised there was galloping.
1) poor spooked goats.
2) 5 feet! Willow is one determined beast ;)
3) Maybe when Willow sees that the goats don't mind you touching & catching them, she'll get the hint.
She's saying, "Leave me alone woman I have a job to do."
Yes you will. I think your about as determined as me. You will figure out a way. I can so see the replay though. Goats racing and Willow right behind. Perhaps she's where she needs to be...the goats will tell her to calm down. "This place we live at is a resort!! Just eat out of her hand and you'll have it made!"
Oy. Are you worried about her jumping your other fences? Hopefully she was just lonely and now she's not! I have no worries at all that you will tame her. None.
Oh my goodness...I wished we had a beautiful Llama like Willow to watch over us...like your goats will when they all figure it out...and they will!! You'll see!
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