We do. Sweet Nigerian Dwarf milk. Cora Belle and Buttons are milking like dairy goats...in miniature. It is clean farm fresh milk and I know where it came from. So now, if everything goes to **** in a hand basket, I can eat eggs and drink milk...

or make an omelet with cheese.
Do you pasturize (sp) or drink it straight?
Isn't that the greatest feeling?
Isn`t fresh milk just the best?!
Hmmmm...I hear this nigerian dwarf milk is really sweet and yummy....I just dont know.
I wish I were milking right now, soon I will be. I just love my fresh goat milk!
It is great to be so self sufficient!
Chai Chai, We drink it straight.
Lisa, It is a good feeling! I wish I'd done it sooner when my boy was growing up.
Feral, The best!
frugalmom, It is sweet and yummy. I'll let you try some.
Teresa, I like the whole idea. I know where this milk comes from.
Sheryl, Yes it is.
I love it! Looks like we just might be two peas in a pod. Glad I found your blog today. I've added you to my reading list.
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