We just finished state reports at school. I love state report time. I have learned so much that I think everyone should go back and repeat 5th grade as an adult. It is so interesting....this time around. This year I was helping a boy with his report on Rhode Island and was surprised to learn that the Rhode Island Red is the state bird. They even have a monument.
I would have to agree that this is a pretty good chicken. We have two (really the neighbor's) that are my best layers. My second best are Black Stars which are Rhode Island Red crosses.

It's a state bird!
the things you learn, love the top photo!
We are going to raise chickens for the first time this spring. My husband heard that if you run a goat through the pen it will keep down the bugs.
Is that why you have a goat:?
He is trying to sell on me on this fact, but ehhhh...not so sure it is true. I think he just wants to have a goat.
Great pictures! The reds are beautiful birds.The Boy has been asking me to order some,but our Orpingtons have been so prolific,I don't really need any more...
That's cute! Do they know they are a state bird? Sometimes they act like it. Cheeky girls! Mine are all RIR crosses and great layers all year long.
I always liked the looks of a RIR, very sharp looking bird!
I hadn't heard that Cindy. I think it may be the other way around-chicken through the goat pen to keep the bugs down. We have goats because on a day back in 1971 I saw a Saanen goat kid on Captain Kangaroo.
I say, Get the man a goat!
Sheryl, they must know by now although they don't have time to read. Too busy making breakfast.
I'm new to yur blog and I love the animal pics! Thanks for sharing your life with us!
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