Twenty-five years. That's a long time. Before I knew it a quarter of a century had flown by.
Twenty-five years ago today I had just completed 47 hours of labor and was presented with an 8 pound baby boy. What a journey that little boy would take us on.
Happy Birthday my son. We love you.
What a smile! Happy Birthday to YOU!
47 hours of labor??!! Egad, I hope you've apologized to your mom for that. :-)
Hope you have a great day!
-danni in oregon
WW: pls chk your gmail acct. thx
OK ,I have to say it...47 HOURS!?!?!?
My goodness I hope you had drugs! You son was a cutie...do I detect a little bit of mischievousness in that big smile? Really cute!
What a cutie! 47 hours? Oy. The goatmother had 24 and thought she was dying. Anyway, Happy Birthday big guy from the wise goat. :)
Happy Birthday!
Wasn't that long labor well worth it?
He is a handsome young man with a beautiful gal.
Have a great weekend.
P.S. My youngest son just had a birthday and my grandson will be 4 on the 31st.
Time sure flies.
I would do the 47 hours all over again for that boy...I can't believe I said that.
This brought a tear to my eye. Are we REALLY this old? Seems like only yesterday our kids were babies. And thank God you got the 47 hour labor. Mine was 9 hours with Carrie and 3 and 1/2 hours with Mike. LOL
You have grandkids to look forward to and that's the best!
your Sis
aka Batman and Superman's Grandma
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