Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Darling I Love You But Give Me Park Avenue

Here is a picture of Max. He wanted to be in my blog even though he hates the farm and likes to taste small animals. When he visits he wears a dapper rain jacket and watches over his love, my sister-in-law. He's pretty cute and a member of our family...just don't get near his bowl.


Danni said...

Hi Max!!!

Marigold said...

It's okay. I don't do bowls anyway.

spinsister said...

Not bad for 14 with a heart condition. Thank you Aunt Wendy!

Queen Quattra said...

Is Max a wiener dog? He looks like a wiener dog...that's ok, I live with two wiener dogs, well they actually live in the big house and come out occasionally to bug me. Well, even for an old wiener dog, Max looks pretty dapper to me! I like his old soul eyes!

goatgirl said...

He is a wiener dog...did the "don't go near his bowl" part give it away?