Then I see a darling buck on the site that is for sale. I love his coloring. He is a flashy black and white pinto. I love his sire and his pedigree blends well with my goats. I talk myself into buying him too. Even though I think I don't really want a buck. But, I tell myself, he is very nice and I probably do need my own buck. So I tell the gal I want him and will pick him up when I get Buttons.
Then it happens. The feeling that I made a mistake. This feeling usually happens about 3 in the morning. 3 a.m. is what I call my worry time. It is when everything is bigger than life. Problems seem insurmountable, bills seem unpayable. A new buck seems unnecessary and down right crazy. By 7 a.m. I've talked myself out of anything I've talked myself into.
So I got up this morning and emailed the gal and said for her not to hold him for me and that when I come get Buttons I will look at him and if I fall in love, like I did with Buttons, then I would consider getting him. I apologized for being flaky. She emails back and says she may go ahead and wether him since I am the 5th person to flake out. Yikes! That's drastic.
Feeling like I made the right decision I carry on with my day. Then I talk to the goatfarmer and explain my waffling feelings. She is no help. She loves the buck too. She loves his coloring. She loves his pedigree. She talks about breeding him to Cora Belle to get more flashy black and white goats. By the end of the conversation I want him back.
But it's getting late and I want to sleep tonight so I fight the feeling that I want to email her back and say not to wether him and I will come look at him.
Then I remember why I don't want a buck.
See why I can never be in politics? I have no idea what I stand for.

what do you think?
I know exactly what you mean about that 3am thinking time. I do the same thing, and then in the light of day I realize that I had nothing to worry about and I did make the right decision. And that my dear is how I moved from Florida to Maine, bought a 160 year old farm and now have goats, sheep, chickens, guineas, a llama and 2 choc lab puppies. hahahaha. Sorry, I guess I'm no help. I live as flaky.:)
(warning - terrible pun) Well, if it was politics, then "the buck stops here."
Here are my immediate thoughts: Do you have a big enough area for a buck? You know, to segregate him from everything and everyone else? I could be wrong but I've heard that bucks are smelly, pee on themselves and taint every surface they come into contact with. (Can you tell I'm extremely smell-sensitive?) :-)
If you do have a large enough area and want to breed for the next (insert number) years, then go for it. If not, let her wether him and take him as a pet. He's a cutie pie and would be fun just to love and play with. :-)
I think he's adorable and I think male goats stink.
the end.
Thanks Kelly but yes you are no help. Sounds like you are as bad as I am. After a good night sleep last night I decided to just go look. Famous last words.
Terry, That wasn't a terrible pun it was spot on. But if you think I'm going to "pass the buck" think again.
Farmgirl, You are correct in your description of the attributes of a buck but do you have to make it sounds so dirty:)
I do have plenty of room to put him far away from the others, although I may need to get him a companion goat...sort of like a cabin boy.
I am only interested in him as a buck since I have 3 wethers already. I just want him for his bloodlines and color. How shallow is that?
Holly, yes they do:(
I think he is VERY handsome. I think you should. But then what do I know? I'm just a lustful goat.
I say do it!! I do the very same thing and they do stink,,but only for a period of time. Just keep him far enough away from the girls in the off time and he will settle down...some..I speak from experience. I too do the very same exact thing..with every single crazy idea..check out my latest blog post..I went to look at a Llama...OK..2 llamas...Help??!!! Should I..I do have the room, but do I know anything about them, could I do it? I will be getting little sleep tonite! :) P.S. Life is short and you gotta do stuff NOW and also you would give any goat a wonderful home!
and..OMG is he every stunning!!! I just love em...don't you!?
Wendy I didn't notice the legs before in the other picture. Wow. He is just what Jammies has been looking for all day today.
Marigold, If I get him you are welcome to come and meet him in person...if you know what I mean.
Deb H. You talked me into it! Now go get that llama.
goatfarmer, Tell Jammies I will see what I can do. You know I would do anything for Jammies. I am feeling guilty for having nothing but a camel for my lone goat to hang out with! Hmmm I may have to remedy this!
Oh no inadvertent farmer, you need a pony.
Go get him and bring him home- one can never have too many bucks, you know.....
Goat Yoda, I did not know that!
So...did you get him?
Steph, Stay tuned:) I go tomorrow to look at him.
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