I tend to be a bit spontaneous at times and don't think things through. Like with getting bottle lambs while it was basically still winter outside. Where were they going to live? They can't be outside in the cold with no mother to snuggle. As I write this they are predicting 28 degrees in the morning
I got the lambs home and thought, Oh where will I put them? Gee it's cold out.
So into the "green bathroom" they go. The green bathroom is the old bathroom in our house. Never go in there. You may not come out. I have been wanting to remodel this for years but as Hubby so proudly announced the other day, "Good thing we haven't remodeled that old bathroom. We have raised a lot of babies in that bathroom."
And he's right. Green ceramic tile goes from floor to almost ceiling inspiring the name "the green bathroom."
So in the green bathroom in a big dog crate the lambs go. They like it in there. It's warm and every few hours someone tall with three bottles comes in and feeds them.
Every day I take the lambs to the yard for a walk. It has to be one of the cutest things, seeing lambs buck and play in the sun. They tend to move in a flock.....a flock of sheep to be exact.
But when they've had enough they run to the "green bathroom" and jump in their crate.
They are still such babies.
Lucy Lamb
Little Bit
so very cute, Wendy! good thing you have that extra bathroom!
They are soooo precious!!
Hubby is right it is a good thing you still have the green bathroom....better keep it you never know what may come home with you next!!
:) Tracey
Lucy is my favourite! Allis would love to join them for some play! Do lambs and goat kids get along well?
I'm "surprised" you didn't show any pictures of your beautiful green bathroom! ;-)
That Lucy is so cute...she has a great name, too.......
darling darling babies. Great photos too!
Oh for PETE'S sake. I can't hardly stand it. Those pictures are wonderful. So all three of them fit into one dog crate? Lucy, Lucy, Lucy....
How about video, Wendy? Do we get any video??
Oy. If the goatmother didn't think she was already overworked, I bet we'd have one of those Kathadin sheep. Oy. Did I say that already? :)
Okay, Wendy. Are you Baby Belle's photographer? If so, you simply MUST get over there and break the suspense. Okay, you don't have to print this, but I'm just sayin...
No Marigold, I have not been contacted for that gig. I too have been watching for baby pictures. I promise if they don't get up soon I'm going over.
Oh man the lambs were cute today. It was sunny and a friend....the one with the horse, and her daughter came over to see the lambs. They really put on a show, running and playing. They got to bottle feed. What fun.
I didn't take them into the "green bathroom"
OMG, I want one. I here ya on babies and cold weather. My wood stove room is filled with ducks and chicks argggg!
What sweet, adorable little faces! Beautiful lambs!
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