This is Pepper Ann. I always say nobody wants Pepper Ann. She's been for sale for awhile and there has been no inquiries. I'm starting to call Pepper Ann a sleeper. The goatfarmer's not yet convinced but I see something in this pesky little doeling. Maybe it is just that she loves to stand and pose as long as I scratch the spot between her front legs. I'm going to give this little girl a shave and take her to the fair. We will see if she is at the front of the line or way in back. You know me...I hate being in the back. I get cranky.

She stays in her pasture. Not like some goats we know.

Oh, look at that! She just has delusions of cathood.
I'd take Pepper in a second if i were set up for goats and my hubby would allow it. lol
If only we didn't have a goat quota (and a 12-hour plane trip between our farm and yours) - Pepper and Albie would make such a nice couple.
It's like "big black dogs" at the animal shelter. No one wants them, they think them plain (and maybe a little scary) but they make the best pets. I bet she will make the perfect, kind, easy to milk goat that so many say they're looking for. Have you tried a little bling? A rhinestone collar would sparkle against that ebony coat.
I agree...a little bling in a rhinestone collar would make her look as beautiful as my Smidgey!
Chris always puts one on her little, black wiener dog when they go out and the people just oooh and aaah! :)
Whaddaya know, it's the little flying goat up on that there fence post...
She's going places.
She'll probably need a passport.
Maybe you'll sell her at the fair, or maybe she'll win, good luck. The goat standing on the post is such a cute picture, and the leap is truly astounding!
I love her! But I am in PA and you are not.
Also love the Jumping Bean Wonder!
Oh Holly I wish you were closer. This little girl would be perfect for Courtney to clicker train.
Aw, poor Pepper Anne! I have two does that I`ve sold three times, and they`re still here! Somethings are just meant to be I suppose.
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