Sunday, June 13, 2010

What'd You Do Alice?

This morning I was telling Hubby that Alice may deliver while I was away and what he had to do for her if that should happen. He looked a little worried but I assured him that he could do it...and then gave him the goatfarmer's number.

So what a surprise when taking a break from splitting logs we heard a small cry coming from the goat pen. I rushed to see what was happening. Alice peeked over the top of the igloo with a guilty look on her face. Walking around to the other side I noticed a little black and white baby, newly born. I swear Alice hadn't even been in labor. A half an hour before she was munching hay and looking quite comfortable. This little baby just fell out of her and she didn't quite know what to do with it.
She then got down to business and popped out another. And then another.

Hubby leaned over the fence, looked at all the babies, and said, "Well that wasn't so hard."

Alice produced 2 blue-eyed doelings with ears and 1 buckling with his mother's ears. No one was more surprised than Alice.


IsobelleGoLightly said...

Hooray for Alice! Stealth goatlings! Very adorable babies!

Sheryl at Providence North said...

Congrats! You must be so relieved to have them born. They are such cuties too! I hope she is a good mother.

Three babies! That's great!

Tonia said...

They are soo cute! Congrats!

@JDHealingTimeOnEarth said...

Aren't these type of surprises just terrific, Wendy!? Now you can go to the party and not worry. Have alot of fun! When's the big day?

Anonymous said...

Wish it were that easy for women......

Mom L said...

I know you must be relieved that the babies are here - and your hubby sounds greatly relieved that he didn't have to do anything! They are beautiful, especially the first one - gorgeous colors.

Nancy in Iowa

Holly said...

Goodness gracious! They are just precious! Are all goats so hardy? Yours don't seem to even know that labor is supposed to be...well LABOR!

The Van Goat Ranch said...

Congratulations on the babies - they are beautiful!! Is there anything cuter and sweeter than babies? Love your blog and your website!

frugalmom said...

Woohoo!! Way to go Alice. Great job! They are so sweet.

3! Wow.

Marigold said...

Oh, my. That little buckling is to die for. Even better than a Peanut. Wait. What am I saying???

Melodie said...

Yeah! More little goaties!

V.L. Locey said...

Way to go Alice! They are just adorable!

sunset pines farm said...

awwwww, so cute!!!
My Pebbles looks like she will go any time now. Udder was tight and hot this morning, ligs are almost gone. I hope she delivers as easily as your girl...with no help required!

Millie said...

They are so adorable. I'm glad Alice cooperated in having them before you left. That was very kind of her, and she should get an extra treat!

Mel said...

Awww, so cute, not all women are as lucky as Alice, she made it sound so easy.

Congratulations to momma goat and Welcome is in order to the little babies.

Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Gorgeous! One of mine this year did something similar; I visited her, petted her, etc., and she seemed totally normal then a little while later my OH peeked in and there was a black and white kid in their with her (and she was looking dazed and confused). Congratulations!

Gone2theDawgs said...

OMG! are they ever cute!! Glad it all went well for Alice! :)

spinsister said...

Way to go Alice! Triplets?

SWiggins said...

Those are some very cute babies! Shannon