One of the benefits of having a personal petting zoo is that everyone wants to come visit. Recently, my sisters-in-law brought some of their grandkids to see the animals. What fun we had. Sometimes I get a little nervous about having children around the animals. I want it to be a good experience for all...including the animals. I don't want anyone crying at the end of the visit. Especially me.
Does it look like anyone was crying?

Seven polite delightful children that happen to be my great-nieces and nephews mingled among the critters with bags of carrots and peanuts (highly recommended by Marigold)
Not once did I have to say...Stop, don't feed them that. Or.....Wait, you can't play in their drinking water. Or....Stop chasing the chickens.
I heard things like...."Aunt Goatgirl, would the pigs like a carrot?"
"May I pet the llama?"
"I love Alice"
Sunny was a huge hit.

Cora Belle would not leave the baby alone. She was fascinated.

My handsome nephew loved the llamas. This picture made me a little sad about Penne going to greener pastures...but only for a minute.

By the end of the day we were calling this little guy "Goatboy"

Now their choice of footwear had something to be desired. Just don't call them thongs...it will date you.

what a wonderful introduction to livestock.
Snort!! Thongs!! heh
What a lovely petting zoo you have. May I come and visit, too? I promise to be good and not make you cry. :-)
Beautiful kids, beautiful animals - what a great day!
I agree Holly!
Of course you can come visit the petting zoo Farmgirl. Just leave your thongs at home.
Very nice, Wendy! You are very good at this, hope you persue it!
Thongs, eh, I cannot stop calling them that!! When the grandkiddos look at me and say "what??" and when the daughter scoffs with laughter, I know I've slipped up again! I have a very cute cartoon that refers to this... I'll have to post it on my blog for you for a good laugh.
That is such a good experience for kids. They need to be exposed to animals. What a great day. No tears.
Now that looks lovely...children NICELY feeding Peanuts. The children that have been here only want to see Watson faint! Oy. A Peanut to them all...especially that baby. Obviously CoraBelle has excellent taste in Peanuts...the food kind and the baby kind. :)
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