I like what Christine said. Besides remember that thing your mother always said? "If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you too?" That's what I think of FaceBook. :)
I just checked your community facebook page again and see that there are now lots of beautiful pictures and comments and I have to say you're not as bad as you thought you were at doing facebook.
I look forward to kidding time of year because those little guys and gals are so adorable you can't help but smile when you see them. They're a great pick-me-up after a challenging day.
"There is no religion without Love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be kind to beasts as well as man, it is all a sham." __ Anna Sewell
OMG, that picture is adorable.
I know next to nothing about facebook, so you are one up on me, but I clicked on the link and the page was blank.
If there's nothing wrong with my browser, I guess that's what you meant by being really bad at it...
I do not believe you have to do what everybody else does just because they are doing it.
Just be yourself.
Remember: You are the only one who can be you.
I like what Christine said. Besides remember that thing your mother always said? "If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you too?" That's what I think of FaceBook. :)
I'll follow you, girl.
You rock.
And P.S. - FB is bad, but it's only as bad as you want it to be.
It's also a really great networking resource and good way to stay in touch with distant family.
It's all in how we manage our expectations of it, I guess!
I just checked your community facebook page again and see that there are now lots of beautiful pictures and comments and I have to say you're not as bad as you thought you were at doing facebook.
I look forward to kidding time of year because those little guys and gals are so adorable you can't help but smile when you see them.
They're a great pick-me-up after a challenging day.
As always, thanks for sharing them with us.
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