Much to the goats' relief, we are home from the fair. Everyone was in the top half of their class with our best being Boots who took a second in the yearling milker class in spite of her coin purse udder. Pepper Ann did better than Bliss with an almost second that turned to a third and Bliss getting a 4th. Wedding Belles did not like the fair at all but managed to pull out a third behind some beautiful Poppy Patch does. Cora Belle did her signature princess walk around the ring but it wasn't enough to take the judge's eye away from the lovely Mae West who lives at Poppy Patch.
The day belonged to a tiny doeling from Herron Hill named Pebbles. The smallest goat there caught the judge's eye from the start and went all the way to Jr. Champion.
It was so nice to meet you and Herron Hill at the fair. Congratulations on all of your wins!! That Herron Hill cutie is one to watch, huh? :)
Hey, Ho! Peanut here! Sorry Sis', we can't always be on top. But you are always top in my book! Auntie Marigold likes you too, and sends a Peanut. The rest of you girls, Well Done!
Yes she is Jen, yes she is.
Cora Belle was happy to be overlooked Marigold. I went back on my promise of never taking her to another show again after she won her championship and she is just fine staying home from now on. Just think what would have happened if she was Best of Breed...more darn shows!
Jen. Sorry, I should have bought you a scone.
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