Cora Belle has done her first milk test ever. Cathy, a certified milk tester, came out one evening and then early the next morning to watch me milk. The milk was weighed and then a sample was drawn. It and all the necessary paperwork was sent off to the lab for testing butterfat etc. Cora Belle milked 5.5 pounds with 5.39% butterfat. That's pretty darn good for her breed. She gives more milk than we need so I'm making cheese right and left to the delight of all my friends and co-workers. She has converted many a non-goat cheese eater with her sweet candy milk and creamy, white cheese spreads.
Milking Cora Belle adds one more thing to do in my busy morning but it is a chore I look forward to. Sitting on a stool in the early morning with your favorite goat munching on her grain while she fills your bucket with sweet white milk that feeds your family and friends.....It's a good thing.
now if I could just get my mom to try it
Way to go, Cora Bell! Very impressive milk stats. You're not only beautiful, but very productive too. :D
Congratulations! I know the feeling when you milk and also the looks you get when you actually use the milk. Funny thing is where do they think that store bought milk comes from anyway?? I found when I plunge the goats milk in icey cold water immediately as I am milking that the taste difference of Cows milk and goats milk is very noticeable. And I am saying the goats milk is so incredibly fresh and pure that it is a far cry better tasting than cows milk. I have one togg that her milk tastes like sweetened condensed fresh warm or cold and knowing where and how the milk is handled makes me proud! I have two girls with twins right now and I will start milking this week. Now you've made me excited again! When you start milking you really need to keep it up. Reason one why I don't take many vacations...but I don't mind...not one bit!
Mom, what is WRONG with you!!!???
:) your blog was recommended to me by a friend. I love it, and the great pictures of you goats and other farm friends. We have a pair of Nigies, and I can't wait to start milking them.. I have to work up to letting them have kids first though! lol!
Another friend brought in some goat cheese feta type--you would NEVER know it was made with goat milk. I ate almost all of it by myself! YUM!
Welcome Hoveland family. I'm glad you enjoy my blog.
WhooHoo! Way to go Cora Belle!
See you in a few weeks for your next test!
I just love that time with the goats when we are milking! Her milk certainly is impressive!
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