My motto, since coming home one afternoon after an earthquake, has been "simplify". I have gotten rid of most all my junk and nicky-nackies and even cut out most bills to the bare minimum. I only have a few TV channels as compared to more than I need. Hubby only watches 1 minute of every show so why pay for more. We have even simplified our food, eating no processed foods and hardly any sugar. This simple measure took about 30 pounds off me...which tells you how much sugar I was eating!
So when I received this package in the mail after entering a contest over at The Simple Life I thought the sign very fitting. The package arrived at school and was sitting on my chair when I came back from lunch (thanks to a mail lady that knows where I work). The scent of cinnamon filled my small alcove with the smell of Christmas. I opened the box and put the sign on my desk.
It is there to remind me to simplify at school as well as home for no matter what fancy curriculum they come up with it really comes down to the basics.
The package was filled with wonderful organic herbs and spices that I have been using in my holiday baking.
Thank you Tonia for reminding me of the simple pleasures in receiving a package in the mail that smells like Christmas.
What a wonderful gift. I love the sign and the sentiment. I am still hooked on my nicknackies but I am trying to get rid of some of the out and out junk that I absolutely dont’ need and my goal is not to replace it. I bet the wonderful seasonings have been so fun to use. Enjoy
I, too, am trying to simplify my life. I have plenty of "stuff", so for Christmas I told the kids to either all go in on one gift (a flat screen monitor for my 'puter) or get me nothing. I don't want more "stuff". I'm also trying hard to reduce the clutter in my home and life. Slowly, slowly slowly it is coming together.
Congratulations! I saw some of these same organic herbs on the kitchen counter at Tonia's house this afternoon. She had some of them sprinkled on the wonderful homemade cheese bread she had prepared to go with lunch. I was there to help her with a goat and had the wonderful surprise of the wonderful lunch. Enjoy the herbs!
I love the sign. It's perfect for a school--if only we could simplify the paperwork. Enjoy your winter break!
Good for you, Wendy! It's a good reminder for us all. Too bad I haven't had the weight success that you are experiencing. I'll keep plugging away, though.
Happy Holidays.
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