Yesterday was the farm tour in our area and Filbert and I were invited to come to a farm and demonstrate a little goat packing. We are qualified to demonstrate this for two reasons...
1. Filbert owns a pack. He's carried water and chocolates.
2. We been hiking exactly twice.
Not knowing really what we would do I resorted to what I know best, kids and chocolate. I filled Filbert's pack with miniature candy bars and zipped it shut. At first I thought it might be a mistake because it seemed that the parents that take their kids on farm tours don't let them eat candy. I was really doubting my choice when one mother searched the pack for something gluten-free.

For the most part I saw lots of smiles and heard many thanks to Filbert.
Filbert is a professional. He took his job very seriously.

I tell you it was rough...
The worst part was letting Alice tag along.
She got half the peanuts.

Filbert looks SO handsome in his pack. I love the chocolate idea...glutton free/gluten free...whatEVER! ha ha ha ha!
Looks like he did a great job. I wouldnt pass on the idea if he walked up to me packed to the hilt with chocolate!
Ha Ha Ha farmgirl. I didn't catch that one!!! Never trust spell check when you are in a hurry.
And why wasn't I invited to go to the farm??? Chocolate and Peanuts...Oh my!! I have to say though, even for a boy, Filbert, you look Maaavelous with your little pack on!
Oh. My. GOAT! Those are PEANUTS in that sack! Why, oh why, wasn't I invited?
I have to say....Alice is just too cute!
And not to leave Filbert out, he very much looked like a big goat with that backpack on.
If my goats had chocolate anywhere on their body, they'd be twirling in circles trying to get it! BTW, what happens if they do eat chocolate? Bad for dogs. For goats?
I used to have saanens that pulled. I miss them so!
My neighbor has fainting mini goats. 6 of them. They are the cutest things I have ever seen. My husband loved them too and now wants goats! I always think of you when I see goats :)
Filbert is soooo cute!
Filbert is a love. I remember taking our goat Hulio to my daughters day care for show and tell. She won 1st prize for that and she remembers it today. She is 28 now. How time flies.
You know, the more I see your goats, the more I hear about what they do, the more I think I would have pack goats and they would help me around the farm .... if I had a farm and goats.
I can see a team of little goats pulling a sled of hay to the pasture, or a pack full of grain to each stall. I could see them pulling a little rake to rake up the dirt in the indoor or hauling a small plastic sled of horse manure to the manure pile.
Oh yes, I could see them helping a lot.
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