A few goat pictures........there's that chicken on Filbert's side again. Or an albino bat. I see a Saanen goat with one leg out.
What about the llamas?
And a random flower shot..........
I can't forget the cat and the pigs.

As you can see I am enjoying my camera. I still have trouble getting shots in focus but I have come to the conclusion that with that and my bad eye sight I must be meant to live my life slightly out of focus.
I think these are beautiful pictures....especially the kitty cat :)
The pictures you've taken are just so wonderful! I'll never tire of seeing your critters. They all look so happy and healthy :)
What lovely pictures, we had a Nigerian Dwarf goat with a bunny head on one of her sides and so we changed her name to Bunny!
I love the pics. What breed of hen or Roo was the first one? It sure is perdy.
Thanks everyone.
Sugarcreekstuff that is a Black Star hen. I really like them and may get more next year along with more Red Stars.
great photos! I have the same problem with bad eyesight and out of focus photos! :)
Love, love, love the pictures! Who's the little boy feeding the goats? Have we been introduced to him already and I missed it? It's funny how similar our girls look...one of your Ameraucanas looks almost identical to my Sparrow.
And look how close Koo and Penne are standing to each other! Has Koo's love finally been requited? Is Penne actually giving Koo the time of day now? :-)
I *love* my Black Stars...they are wonderful layers, very curious and courageous and, dare I say it, seem to be smarter than the other breeds.
The boy is my great nephew. He loves to come visit and do chores...and ride motorcycles.
My Black Star and Red Star hens are my favorites. They are my smartest too. The Black Star hen is huge. I only threw them into the batch of chicks as an afterthought and I am so glad I did.
Oh and the llamas do just fine with each other. I wouldn't say they "love" each other but it works for them. They will, at least now, eat out of the same pile.
I have spent the entire evening reading your posts. What a wonderful collection of stories--and all told so well. I don't remember how I got here, but am certainly glad I did.
Thank you so much! Can't wait for your next post.
Oh! One question. You are getting eggs from your hens that you got as chicks this spring? I got mine toward the end of April and there's not been a single egg so far. I keep telling them that they should be laying...have even shown them the feedbag that says LAYER feed, but nothing.
Loved your light brahmas. I have two dark brahmas and they are perhaps my favorite (next to the golden laced cochins). The pattern of silver and black on their backs looks like fine filigreed silver jewelry. Just gorgeous.
I hope you don't mind that I put your blog as one of my favorites. It definitely is! (If you want me to remove the link, just let me know.)
Great pictures and you are a dog lover. Me too but we are down to one right now. I see a pup in our future! Enjoy the weekend!
Pamela, Yours should start laying any day now. I got my chicks in March so they are about 5 months.
Country girl, Get a pup!!!
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