Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Another Good Reason to Homeschool

While brainstorming for ideas for Mother's Day cards, the kindergarten teacher asks the children to think of something their mother does for them.

"I can't think of one thing my mom does for me," said a tiny blond girl.

"My mom tackles me," a little boy chimed in.

"My mom takes me outside," said a sweet little boy.

"Well, my mom FORCES me to go outside," said another.


Holly said...

those are funny. I love kids. I bet somedays you laugh all day long.

Spring Lake Farm said...

LOL! What great quotes to end the night with. You just gotta love'em!


Emma said...

I can't decide if the children's comments were good things or not so good things! More importantly, I wonder what their moms would think....

goatgirl said...

Emma, Rest assured that all these kids (that I quoted) have very nice moms...that would be mortified if they heard this. That's what makes it so funny.
And yes Holly we sometimes laugh all day long....and sometimes I cry a little.

I do love them Sandy. I am entertained all day long.

V.L. Locey said...

Ha! Leave it to kids!

Marigold said...

Perhaps CoraBelle is homeschooling and it is driving her to exstink-eyetion.

Teresa said...

Oh, that makes me laugh. They say the cutest things, and then they turn into middle school students!