No good deed goes unpunished is my hubby's favorite saying but I'm a cup half full kind of gal. I have avoided this kind of thinking for many years. I really don't buy into it. If that were the case nobody would do anything for anyone. So because I love random acts of kindness I offered my neighbor 6 of my young hens. Due to the fact that she had to spend a month in England to visit her elderly mother she didn't get her chicks this spring and I know she really wanted to have fresh eggs by fall. She had a beautiful coop all ready for a flock.
These 6 young pullets were a bit younger than my other girls and I figured I didn't really need 16 chickens. But I did really like these because they were my rare chicks from McMurry's. 3 Light Brahmas and 3 Speckled Sussex. They were friendly and lovely.
The other day I took them over to her farm and we put them in the coop. I told her that they should be kept in for several more weeks because they were a bit small and I was afraid they would get hurt. Well she kind of poo pooed me and said they would be fine. She was very pleased to have them so I told her I was sure she would take good care of them. The only stipulation was that if one of the Light Brahmas turned out to be a rooster I wanted fertile eggs so I could hatch out some Light Brahmas next year.
A few days later my husband came home from walking the dog and said he saw the neighbor and she was carrying a dead brown chicken (Speckled Sussex). Boy was I mad and told him how she had poo pooed me (can you tell I hate to be poo pooed?) when I said she should keep them in the chicken house for a while.
He said,"Yep, no good deed goes unpunished."
I said that I was sure she would make sure the others were safe now that she knew what could happen.
A few more days go by and we are out walking the dog again, because that dog needs a lot of walking, and she drives by and stops. She has a sheepish look on her face and tells me that she lost one hen a day, something was getting into her run, until she was down to one and then gave that one (Light Brahma) to her horse trainer. What the heck!
Hubby said, "Gee that's strange, we haven't lost a one."
And because I am lousy at confrontations I didn't say much....until Hubby and I walked on and then I ranted and raved about how I paid $30 for those chicks and why didn't she give the one back to me? Why give it to someone else? I told him again how she poo pooed me. I told him that when the first one died wouldn't you think that she would be more careful with the others? I told him how much I had liked those chicks.
After a few minutes Hubby says, "Wow, this really bugs you."
I said "Yep, no good deed goes unpunished."