As you know I have been waffling back and forth about selling Pepper Ann and Bliss. I could not make up my mind if I wanted to sell them because both are very nice girls and it is always nice to keep the does and see how they mature.
Then I got a nasty email (at work) from a neighbor about my farm. She complained about the bawling goats and the horrid smell. Now mind you, I have owned my little farm for over 20 years and she has been there about 10, choosing to build her home at the back of my farm. This is an area of farms. Most people have at least two acres and some a lot more and most have animals.
I was really hurt. I thought she was a friend and never once did she say anything to my face. I think what hurt the most was that I take great pride in taking good care of my animals. I really worked hard on this place the last couple of years and it is neat as a pin. I keep the pastures and stalls clean and there really isn't a horrid smell. But to be sure I invited people over to have a smell, people I knew would tell me the truth. I even asked a neighbor that lives next to her if he could smell anything. The answer always came back "No"
I had my son's best friend, a sheriff, come and see if he saw a problem. The answer again "NO"
So I have chosen to ignore her nastiness but still make sure my way of life doesn't impact anyone too much.
I decided I could sell a couple of the young ones and cut down a bit on the herd. So on a day when I was snowed in I placed an ad for Pepper Ann and Bliss with hopes they would go together. It is always nice when two from the same herd go together and they have a buddy...a sleeping buddy. It is easier on everyone involved.
I had barely written the ad and posted it when a wonderful gal called me and inquired about the girls. They are a 4H family and show at the fair. They already have a Nigerian doe and wether and were looking for a couple of does for the kids to show. They have 5 acres and a proper barn. You know how I love me a proper barn!
So this morning a darling little goat boy and his mother came and picked up Pepper Ann and Bliss. Pepper Ann being the smart girl she is knew something was up and didn't want to go but she will be just fine in a few days and will get a whole lot more attention there than with me.
So thank you nasty neighbor for getting me off my butt and sending the girls off with a new family that will love them and show them.
Anyone want to come take a whiff now?
I DO NOT understand people. It is not like you are living in town. What does this person expect? Plus I doubt there is any smell. But you know, even with it just being a grumpy butt, it makes it uncomfortable for you. I am sorry that you have to experience that. We have some of those living near us too. Someone complained about dog poop on the road at a meeting. Luckily, someone else piped up and said, "This is the country. Sh$t happens. :) On the up side, it looks like someone in that picture is really happy to have Pepper Ann and Bliss. A good home to be sure! (((((Hugs))))))
For some reason people find it safe to be nasty via email and the internet. Even if you know all is fine and healthy and clean at your barn, the comments will bother you. Good for you to find a positive spin on it. Those goats are going to get a lot of 4-H love.
Sorry to hear about the nasty neighbor, especially when you have worked so hard to be neat. That attitude can be so disappointing. She probably has it better than our new neighbors though. They built their house in the area near where we keep the pigs, which is nowhere near where we have to smell them. :) Keep enjoying the animals. I love reading your blog.
I'm glad they have a nice home. That being said, anyone who doesn't like animals have no business living in the country. If they don't like the noise and smell of animals they ought to live in a town where there are ordinances against animals. Idiots.
I have been through this, with a neigbor on five acres like me, but who did not like animals, and objected to everything I wanted to do. It's a pity, and it's stifling, and I'm glad your little goats were able to be placed in a loving home despite the neighbor!
The nastiness raises the question, in my mind, did this person cut the fence? I'm glad you consulted a sheriff...even it is only on a friendly basis. This sort of person puts my back up, & I would be more concerned with keeping my animals safe from this creature, than worrying if my lifestyle impacted hers/his in any way, shape, or form.
petoskystone, That question was raised-especially since the fence appears to be cut by an adult, as the cuts were very thought out and even, but I really hope she didn't do it and knowing her as long as I have it would really surprise me if she did....but you never know and I may never know.
That's a lousy neighbor, and should be ignored. If that person didn't want to live near a sweet little farm, they should have bought property elsewhere. Don't let anyone get you down!
The neighbor sounds foul. I'd have reacted the same way you did. Love how you turned something into a blessing for someone else. The little boy looks thrilled and the goats will settle in.
I love people who are too chickenshit to talk to you face to face but like to send their little annoying!
But these things happen for a reason: to teach you patience and to give you another perspective on your farm. And the girls found a great place to live with lots of attention and tons of treats. How cool is that?!?
Hi Wendy,
It's been my experience that some people are just unhappy and like to try to inflict it on others.
Petoskystone makes a curious point. I wonder if she was the one who cut your fence? Wouldn't doubt it...
I know you take good care of your goats and hope Pepper Ann and Bliss have a good home.
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