Willow is quite a little charmer. She is playful and curious. She is getting very comfortable in her new home with her goat family. She shows signs of being protective and you must admit she's easy on the eyes.
She still doesn't want to be touched never mind haltered and led. I don't know how to progress. I don't know if I should lock her in her little house and force her which could lead to someone getting hurt or if I should try to wait her out. Training a llama is nothing like training a horse or dog. A part of me wishes I had gotten a halter trained llama but then I would miss out on Willow's big brown eyes and her funny playful ways. She also has fabulous fiber that looks brushed even after a rainstorm. I really really like her.
So, once again, I will rely on the internet. I found this training guide and plan to give it a try.
Wish me luck. I still feel like I have to overcome the horrible memory of catching her and bringing her home. She has to learn to trust me. She may never trust Hubby, the llama wrangler.