This morning I was telling Hubby that Alice may deliver while I was away and what he had to do for her if that should happen. He looked a little worried but I assured him that he could do it...and then gave him the goatfarmer's number.
So what a surprise when taking a break from splitting logs we heard a small cry coming from the goat pen. I rushed to see what was happening. Alice peeked over the top of the igloo with a guilty look on her face. Walking around to the other side I noticed a little black and white baby, newly born. I swear Alice hadn't even been in labor. A half an hour before she was munching hay and looking quite comfortable. This little baby just fell out of her and she didn't quite know what to do with it.
She then got down to business and popped out another. And then another.
Hubby leaned over the fence, looked at all the babies, and said, "Well that wasn't so hard."

Alice produced 2 blue-eyed doelings with ears and 1 buckling with his mother's ears. No one was more surprised than Alice.