a 3 hole nest box from Pam and Billy at Life on a Southern Farm. I started reading Pam's blog several years ago when I first discovered blogs and have been a fan ever since. Her husband Billy is quite the builder and he started building nest boxes that have apparently taken over their life. Oh how I wanted one of these but just stuck with my recycle bins nailed to the wall. They have had several giveaways and I have entered every one, along with a lot of other chicken owners. Boy was I surprised when Pam contacted me and told me I'd won. I asked Billy to autograph it. One person's nest box is another person's art and no matter what he builds whether it's an incubator or a boat it is always a work of art.
Now those recycle bins can go into the recycle bin because my hens are moving uptown to their new Hen Pals Nest Box.