One huge benefit to having all these animals is that my reletives come to visit. Recently my niece, Heather Joy, came to visit the farm with her new husband Trevor.
Passing out the carrots can be a bit overwhelming for my guests.
Buttons comes in through the back door.
Daphne decided that Trevor wasn't craving bacon and comes over to say hi.

There was a bit of posing for Christmas cards.
This one gets my vote.
We ate bowls of chili and scones (everyone likes a fair scone) and saw pictures of their recent trip to our nation's capitol. It is amazing how much better people's vacation slides are on a big flat screen television.
And since I talked her into starting a blog, please go by and say hello to by lovely niece. She has a talent for writing that I didn't know about and she lives for her comments...her words not mine.
Just go up and click on her name. For some reason it isn't highlighted all the time as a link.