Speaking of the son, he got me one of my favorite things....a mono pod. I love it. It really helps steady this shaky old hand. He also included rechargeable batteries and a recharger. I love this boy.
He has the good sense to marry the wonderful Goldilocks, who gave me this.....
They waited in line in Denver until very late to get this for me....and one for her too I hope.
We share a Pioneer Woman admiration. I mean really what's not to love? Food, ranch life and great photos.
This book was better than I expected. It is a cookbook but so much more. Beautiful photos and stories. A lovely tribute to her family.
One unexpected favorite is my headlamp. I asked for one because I do a lot of my chores in the dark and there will be kids this spring that may need a little more light on them. That headlamp has opened up a whole new world for me. A person can do anything at night with a headlamp. It is such a favorite that I knew right away I would need to get one for Hubby....and the son. I'm sure people have known the wonders of a headlamp for years but its been a new discovery for me. No more fumbling with a Mag light. The goats are a little scared of the one-eyed monster that feeds them at night but I expect them to get use to her real soon.
Happy New Year!