We went to go pick her up on the hottest day of the year. I was trying to pick out a black puppy in 98 degree weather. I ended up taking home the smallest, cutest one of the bunch. Really it was the only one that crawled out from under the bush long enough to follow me around. That should have been my first clue.
This dog had energy.
My dad named her Belle after his mother. She came home with me and within a week I called Dad and said "Belle just doesn't fit, How about Stormy?" So she became Camano Island Perfect Storm.
Stormy is turbo powered. She does everything full tilt. She is small and compact with a beautiful sleek coat that begs to be touched. After 6 months of socializing, training and starting on birds she went into field dog training. She was called a once in a lifetime dog by the trainer. Dad and I had fun taking her to trainings and hunt tests where Stormy quickly earned her Jr. Hunter title. I will forever remember this special time with my dad. But then the training got hard and intense and we weren't comfortable with it so we brought her home to just be a dog.
Stormy came back to my house, and taught my husband how to hunt birds. My hubby was not a hunter. He was an expert marksman but didn't kill anything and has been know to, on a hunting trip with above said dad, say "Shoo Shoo" to a deer coming over the hill because it looked too much like his wife's goats. So when Stormy came back here my dad gave hubby a shotgun. Hubby said "Why not?" and went out with his dog and right into a new passion.
It is as old as time. Early morning, wandering the field with your best friend and bringing home dinner. Stormy has brought dinner home 18 times this year and is doing her part providing locally grown food.

Now that's a once in a lifetime dog.